Over the past couple months, I’ve been working on Pleco, a dual-purpose chess AI and Library written in Rust. This has been a personal project of mine the past several months, and one that is still in active development.

Pleco aims to one day compete amongst the highest rated chess-engines. This blog post will be providing a brief overview of Pleco’s representation of a chessboard, the reasoning behind these choices, and how Pleco uses Rust’s zero-cost abstractions for easy and fast parallelism.

Mile-High Chess Board Design

The goal of any chess AI is to find the best move available to play from the current position. The basic algorithm is very simple, and boils down to looping through each move, applying that move, and then searching/evaluating that new position. It’s a recursive algorithm that generates a “move-tree”, with the “nodes” of the tree being the positions visited, and the “edges” being the moves available to play for each position.

It looks like this, in Rust pseudocode:

let chessboard = Board::new();
let moves: Vec<Moves> = chessboard.generate_moves(); // All moves for the current position

for move in moves {
    evaluate_search_move_strength(); // Should we play this move?

With current processors trending towards adding additional cores, rather than increasing clock-speed, any application designed for running fast must be designed for taking advantage of every core available. For a chess engine, that means being able to split the work of searching the game-tree to all available cores is essential.

In more Rust pseudocode, a parallel search of a position would be something akin to:


for move in moves {

This is a great start! But it begs the question, why should we think about our search algorithm before our board representation is even designed?

Good question! And it’s a great point as well, searching the move-tree can’t be done without first defining out board, figuring out how to generate moves, evaluation positions, etc. Significant work must be done before a search algorithm is even implemented! Laying out how a search algorithm should work gives us a chance to define what we need, and more so gives us a glimpse at where we need to focus our optimization work on. This is especially important for eventual parallelism, where resources must be sent and shared between threads.

Let’s clarify the search algorithm a tad more by defining it as a function. As this is a recursive algorithm, we need a base-case to stop and actually return a move (unless we want to search every possible position forever). The algorithm should reach the base-case once a certain number of moves are applied, and then evaluate that position.

fn search_board(chessboard: Board, max_depth: u16) -> BitMove {
    if chessboard.depth == max_depth() {
        return evaluate();

    let legal_moves = chessboard.generate_moves();
    in parallel {
        let new_board = chessboard.clone();
        for move in legal_moves {
            search_board(new_board, max_depth);
    return best_move;

Obviously, there are quite a few things skimmed over in this implementation, such as determining the best move to return, evaluating a position and returning that as a move, etc. These specifics can be solidified later. But for now, our rough prototype for determining the best move of a position hints at the requirements for implementing a Board:

  • If we want to search the same position with multiple threads, Our Board should be cloneable, and those clones must be have the ability to be sent across threads. When a board is cloned, any modification of the clone’s state (such as through a Board::apply_move() or Board::undo_move()) must not modify the state of the original copy.
  • Board::apply_move() and Board::undo_move() change the board state to reflect a move being applied and subsequently un-applied. Un-doing a move must return the state of the board to the exact previous state. If we are going to be returning to the previous state often, we should consider storing it to save some time.

Now that we know what we need, let’s get to work!

The Basics of a Board

Throwing all the basic information needed for a chessboard (alongside our earlier requirements) leaves us with a good prototype:

struct Board {
    turn: Player,                 // Who's turn is it?
    pieces: [Option<Piece>; 64],  // Where are the pieces?
    half_moves: u16,              // How many moves have been played total?
    depth: u16,                   // Current depth since we started searching
    check: bool,                  // Are we in check?

    prev_state: Option<Board>,    // The previous board, if any

Doesn’t that look gorgeously expressive? I’d like to think so myself. Inside the board, we are defining all the data it needs to operate correctly. We also are including a reference to the previous state of the board with a Option<Board>, so we can easily access it for a Board::undo_move(). The Option<..> is necessary for cases where we don’t know the previous state of the board, such as the opening position.

Unfortunately, the compiler doesn’t like this:

 --> src/main.rs:2:1
2 | struct Board {
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^ recursive type has infinite size
7 |     prev_state: Option<Board>, // The previous board
  |     ----------------------------- recursive without indirection
  = help: insert indirection (e.g., a `Box`, `Rc`, or `&`) at some point to make `Board` representable


I’ve found the compiler to be a very strict parent, yelling at you for breaking any rule. Lovely. But the compiler is also very loving as well, and tells you exactly how to improve. Let’s try listening to its suggestion, and wrapping the previous_state inside an Arc, an Asynchronous Reference Counter . We use that rather than an Rc, as we intend to share this between threads.

Modified, our Board looks like:

struct Board {
    prev_state: Option<Arc<Board>>, // The previous board, if any

It is extremely important for a Board to have access to it’s previous state. This is because anytime a move is applied, the board needs to do some calculations regarding the current state of the board. Computing if the board is in check is a resource-intensive task, unlike simply adding or removing pieces from an array. The ability to undo a move and not recompute if the board is in check will allow a much faster search algorithm.

Unfortunately, this is still a very inefficient solution. If we implement a copy, apply_move and undo_move function, we begin to see some slowness:

impl Board {
    pub fn copy_board(&self) -> Board {
        Board {
            turn: self.clone(),
            pieces: self.pieces.clone(),
            half_moves: self.half_moves,
            depth: self.depth,
            check: self.check,
            prev_state: Arc::clone(self.prev_state.unwrap())

    pub fn apply_move(&mut self) {
            let prev_state = self.copy_board(); // !!!!!
            self.prev_state = Arc::new(prev_state);


    pub fn undo_move(&mut self) {
        let prev: Board = self.prev_state.unwrap();
        self.turn = prev.turn;
        self.pieces = prev.pieces.clone();
        self.half_moves: prev.half_moves - 1;
        self.depth = prev.depth - 1;
        self.check = prev.check;
        self.prev_state = Arc::clone(prev.prev_state);

While we get access to any previous computations, there is A LOT of cloning & moving the board around. Both applying a move and undoing a move require us to clone a board! Yuck! Ideally, a board should be able to modify itself with very little copying. This is the fault of the Arc, as it allows for shared references, but no mutability. We can fix this mutability problem by replacing the Arc<Board> with a Arc<Mutex<Board>>. But, this leads to a whole basket of other problems, such as letting the Board modify state that another thread might be referencing, and we still would need to copy the previous state if we want to undo a move.

However, this is not a dead-end. We are on the right track for fulfilling all the requirements we outlined earlier.

A Better Board

The way Pleco represents a Board is extremely similar to the attempts above, yet fixes all the problems encountered, allowing for a board with non-cloning access to previous & current states and thread safe cloning.

We do this by separating the data the Board encases into two categories:

  1. Data relating to the current & future positions (Board)
  2. Data that is either computed upon making a move, or only relevant to the current position (BoardState)
struct BoardState {
    check: bool                           // Are we in check?
    move_played: Option<BitMove>          // Move played to get into this position
    prev_state: Option<Arc<BoardState>>,  // The previous board state, if any

struct Board {
    turn: Player,                 // Who's turn is it?
    pieces: [Option<Piece>; 64],  // Where are the pieces?
    half_moves: u16,              // How many moves have been played total?
    depth: u16,                   // Current depth since we started searching
    state: Arc<BoardState>,       // State of the board

Undoing moves is easily done through probing the Board.state.prev_state, and then modifying our current board respectively by switching the turn, decrementing half_moves, etc. Cloning a Board now consists of cloning everything inside of the board, alongside a cloned reference to the current state. The BoardState doesn’t need to be mutable, as it only contains information that is exclusively for the current position, hence leaving the Arc. Now, If we pass a clone to another thread, that clone can mutate itself, access it’s state, and operate without worrying about ruining another thread’s Board.

If you know your data structures very well, you’ll also recognize the links between BoardStates forming a Persistent Singly-Linked Stack. The idea for this was spawned from the guide for creating various LinkedLists in Rust. Even if you’re not interested in data structures, give it a read.

Preventing excessive copying is an invaluable feature for the board to have. There is a huge amount of information that can be computed for each position, for later use in evaluation or move generation. As mentioned earlier, it is very expensive to determine if the board is in check. If we’re going to determine if the board is in check, why not compute and store the pieces that are checking the king? Why not store the location of those pieces? Why not make it easier to determine checks by storing pieces that are blocking check or pinned to the king?

This rabbit hole is very deep, and quickly we realize that the amount of information we need to immutably store is large. Very large. For example, here is what Pleco’s current BoardState looks like:

pub struct BoardState {
    castling: Castling,     // Castling Rights
    pub rule_50: i16,       // Tracking the 50 move rule
    pub ply: u16,           // How deep is the searcher ?
    pub ep_square: SQ,      // Is there a square where En-Passant is available?
    pub zobrast: u64,       // Hash Key of the current position

    pub captured_piece: Option<Piece>,          // Previously captured Piece (If any)
    pub checkers_bb: BitBoard,                  // What squares is the current player receiving check from?
    pub blockers_king: [BitBoard; PLAYER_CNT],  // What squares are blocking a check on the king (for each player)?
    pub pinners_king: [BitBoard; PLAYER_CNT],   // What squares are pinning another piece to the king (of each player)?
    pub check_sqs: [BitBoard; PIECE_CNT],       // For each piece, where is there a check?
    pub prev_move: BitMove,                     // What was the previous move to get to this position?
    pub prev: Option<Arc<BoardState>>,          // Reference to the previous position (If any)

The BoardState is around ~100 bytes of information. This seems small, but a basic Minimax search to a depth of 4 will iterate through millions of different positions. Preventing the copying of this 100 bytes significantly improves the performance of Pleco due to reduced memory usage (less cache misses) and fewer clock-cycles wasted on copying.

Conclusion and After Thoughts

With very few lines of code, we are able to express something immensely powerful. Pleco utilizes many of Rust’s zero-cost abstractions to define a chessboard that is fast to clone, thread safe, and easy to reason about with the distinction of immutable vs. mutable data. Rust has proven to be a joy to work in, allowing me to focus on the overarching design and logic of the program, all while providing a near guarantee of safety.

I mentioned previously that Pleco aims to compete amongst the fastest chess engines in the world. It’s a stretch goal for sure, but it’s absolutely doable. Right now, any chess engine that aims to be competitive is created with C++, and only C++. Pleco isn’t trying to prove that Rust can be faster than C++, but rather that Rust is a worthy competitor in high-performance applications.

Pleco has been developing very well so far. The core of the Engine (Board, MoveGen) is 99% done, and there are already a handful of parallel searchers implemented. While future posts will delve a little deeper into Pleco and the world of Chess Engines, please don’t hesitate to open an issue on github for any questions, concerns, or anything of that sort. New Contributors are always welcome as well!